Thursday, June 16, 2016

Crazy nomadism enjoying LIFE

What better way to start a brand new week than reflecting on the good that came your way.
I was given a full week of extraordinary amazing experiences and can summarise the Easter Holiday in one word:

Thinking about all the positive energy that came my way and trying to “understand” what happend, I realize it is the outcome of connecting to my true self and making my values and what I want to contribute to the world very clear. Focusing on who I want to be and directly start acting, thinking and living that way.

And don’t think I’m floating around now, being all zen and ultra calm and understanding towards every human being all the time!

I’m human, I get tired, have ego that needs to be handled and run a military regime in the morning getting 2 kids ready for school, while 2 dogs and a husband are asking for some caring love and attention at the same time.

So what made me feel abundance?

I met some pretty amazing people this week. What makes them amazing to me, was determined in the first few seconds I met them.
Positive energy, big smiles and the joy of wanting to interact with other humans and learn from one another.
This is pretty special if you take into account these encounters took place in an intercultural setting here in Bali. Regardless of skin colour, religious believe, social hierarchy (still very much alive in Bali’s culture and day to day life), we talked, learned, shared knowledge, had fun and did crazy stuff. We worked hard, we surrendered to what came to us this week and where giving tons of love in every way possible.
Because love comes in many forms, like I just described. It even started pouring over Luh Padmi via Facebook after I put up a post of her reading Tom’s palm.
Do you realise what that did to her?
You gave back to a beautiful human who has dedicated her life to giving to others. You gave her energy, by sharing your respect and love for her with the world.
And by doing so you didn’t only give her a good feeling, no you did something bigger! You contributed to her healing power and mission in life.
You gave some of your positive energy to her, and she will use it to help others! Did you realise this?
I didn’t realise I was giving to others huge amount of energy and life force to take the first step in finding and getting started on fulfilling there life purpose with the little I know.
I just share what I know and have recently learned with others. I share my journey. I share my life. I share my questions. I share where I buy my healthy food. I share which cookbooks I use. I share how I arrange my travels. I share my worries and fears, to understand them and transform them into positive actions. I share where I love to eat and practice yoga. I share my experiences. I share what I believe in. I share the people, food, knowledge, everything with you.
Because there is enough for everyone…. Abundance.
So I invite you to share your love in any form this week. Doesn’t matter if it’s big or small. If it’s within your household or openly to the world. Let your believe in Abundance make a contribution.
I would love to hear what you did, how you felt and what the effect was! Please share in the comments below.
And if you are wondering where I get my inspiration, motivation, knowledge and who are my guides and mentors keep your eyes open open in the next few weeks, because I will be revealing some awesome things.

Enjoy your journey of life, crazy nomadism!

Warm greeting from Bali Villa Bloom,
Inge, Tom, Isis and Thijs aka the Dutch Nomad Family

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